Write, Write, Write: 7 Dynamite Instructional Articles for Those Who Want to Write Prose from Personal Experience
Sorrow’s Words: Writing Exercises To Heal Grief
Writing can be a powerful tool for anyone going through the mourning process. Poet, author, and writing instructor Sheila Bender offers guidance for writing about loved ones who have died in Sorrow’s Words: Writing Exercises for Healing Grief.The book contains sixteen unique writing prompts that help readers express their real experiences. Each chapter contains examples written by literary masters as well as ordinary people.
Writing and Publishing Personal Essays
This writing workbook can help everyone who has been through the difficult circumstances that surround the death of a loved one to put their feelings into words. Those who have suffered a loss can use the writing exercises in this book as opportunities to survive, to accept, and to grow. Sheila Bender, who lost her son in a snowboarding accident in 2000, inspires readers to use writing as an activity to appreciate the beauty in the bittersweet nature of human experience
Writing and Publishing Personal Essays, Second Edition
is the newest edition of Sheila’s popular book on shaping personal experience for the page. It is available thorough the publisher, Silver Threads, Amazon
or your local bookstore.
For an autographed copy, send a check or money order for $25 USD including shipping and handling to Writing it Real, 394 Colman Drive, Port Townsend, WA 98368. Or use the Add to Cart button to pay via PayPal/Credit Card. We will mail the book out to you as soon as we receive payment.The book provides essay writing help and essay writing guidelines and much inspiration for writing based on personal journaling ideas and writing exercises. You will learn strategies that help you generate new material, find the heart of the work you’ve begun and shape and polish from there. It won`t be long before you are writing publishable essays.
A New Theology: Turning to Poetry in a Time of Grief
Poet and essayist Sheila Bender tells the story of her family and the family of her son Seth Bender’s fiancĂ©e coming together, understanding that 25-year-old Seth will be taken off life support. She writes about the months they faced together before the upcoming day that would have been his wedding day, and she tells the story of using poetry to write her way out of grief and find a way of carrying her son’s life in her own, a way of understanding mortality and immortality. A New Theology: Turning to Poetry in a Time of Grief is accessible, absorbing, and a bringer of peace to those who mourn. Read more about A New Theology:Turning to Poetry in a Time of Grief. (Paperback: 202 pages, Publisher: Imago Press, ISBN-10: 1935437046)
Creative Writing DeMYSTiFied
Whether for high school, college or pleasure creative writing, you need to know the basic elements of the craft.Creative Writing DeMYSTiFied gives you helpful suggestions for evaluating your work for freshness and originality and offers scores of exercises, techniques, samples and websites to access more. The book introduces you to general creative writing terms and craft as well as genre specific terms and craft elements.
Creative Writing DeMYSTiFied lets you work at your own pace and provides: An overview of the creative writing field today and its history, insights from top writers in the creative writing subgenres, exercises by professionals in all the subgenres, answers to questions creative writers have, and resources for revising and finishing your work.
A Year in the Life: Journaling for Self-Discovery
With this e-book guide, you can reach new levels of self-knowledge and revelation.
A Year in the Life gently lead you through one full year of introspective writing, using weekly prompts and topics as a springboard into your deepest feelings. A respected teacher, author, and dedicated journaler, Sheila Bender provides the perfect blend of structure, guidance, and creative freedom, motivating you to begin writing today and continue on throughout the year with zest and satisfaction. Her guidance also take you beyond ordinary journals, helping you reap more from the writing process. With the close of each season, Bender helps you analyze what you’ve written, allowing you to understand your memories, feelings, and relationship as you never have before. Imaginative, supportive and liberating, A Year in the Life is more than a guided journal, it`s a writing path to inner balance and peace.
Writing in a New Convertible with the Top Down: A Unique Guide for Writers
Correspondence between two writers reveals how their personal lives and daily experiences inform the writing process. Sheila Bender and Christi Killien meet at a writing conference and later decide to produce a book about writing. Living in different cities, they begin by writing each other letters that capture their approaches to writing, how they find the “starting place” for new work, and the ways they make it through the nonlinear process of telling their stories. Writing In a New Convertible with the Top Down is the second collection of their letters, and it has been used widely in writing classes and workshops.
Writing Personal Poetry: Creating Poems from Your Life Experiences
Beginning with 12 things you can do to help yourself write poetry, poet and teacher Sheila Bender shows you how to peel away your inhibitions and get in touch with your deepest, truest feelings. She explains poetry as a process of personal and creative growth, guiding you through an examination of your emotions and memories so you can begin to put your feelings into words. This is an e-book, instantly downloadable to your computer.
Perfect Phrases for College Application Essays
Sheila`s new book is now available through Amazon.
Here are the tools students need to communicate exactly what they want to say while demonstrating individual intelligence and creativity.
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