
Our Writing Minds Depend on This — 6 Comments

  1. I would NOT have seen them if the bird had not flashed by.

    Sheila, Do you have any lessons for checking your writing before you push send?

  2. The blinds are partially closed because it is sunny today, blindingly. Occasionally something distracts me. Just for a second. Out of the corner of my eye. I think it’s a bird rustling though the newly cleared rose garden. It’s gone by the time I look up from my computer. Then a see a bunny outside the garden fence, having a midmorning snack in the grass. Then a doe and her fawn come into the picture, slowly eating and moving across the lawn. I would have seen them if the bird had not flashed by.

    • I am sorry to be delayed in responding to this observation-filled moment with delight. I am glad the bird caught your eye; the liveliness of the creatures shines through. What a great way to start a day or a writing session. The pun on blinds is fun.

  3. Thank you, Mona, for the morning observations. I appreciate the evocation of a foggy day when the poet waits for sun and warmth and the dynamic air of a windy day that might brush away the fog.

  4. Thank you, Sheila. I appreciated being reminded of this during this transition to summer which I find so difficult! Here’s what I wrote this morning:

    This morning the fog silences the distant ridge. The windsock in the field hangs limp. The deck waits for furniture and flowers. Waiting. For sun, for wind, for warmth. I’m waiting, too. For what? I don’t know but even getting dressed is an effort.

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