
Suzy Beal and Michael Shurgot Write of Summer Memories — 12 Comments

  1. Dear Sheila and others:
    I am truly humbled by your responses. Thanks you for taking the time to read my little story. I should add, also, that in the last line of dialogue, “Luke” should obviously be Danny, the virtual left fielder. That mistake is a relic from an earlier draft, and I missed that when I sent in the final draft to Sheila. I obviously needed an editor, even for this short piece!

  2. The short poem told an entire story of this family. Very well done.
    One Summer Game puts me in mind of many well-done movies (the Sand Lot) and even us gals played ball in the summer along with the guys. This story brought back many great games next to our brick small school, or in someone’s big back yard of freshly mown grass.

  3. Suzy Beals poem brought tears to my eyes. A great bit of writing – the emotions were clear and I wanted to hold the girl in my arms and say, “there, there sweet baby.” Michael Shurgot’s short story – the bickering and the comradeship – made me think of my little brother and his companions. Thank you, Sheila, for bringing these two writings to the fore.

  4. Now I am smiling bigger. You both and all Writing It Real contributors and participants in classes make me happy with their commitment to writing and their ability to use responses so well to edit and revise and become stronger and stronger writers.

  5. Dear Sheila:
    Thank you for your succinct comment: “a strong evocation of youthful trust in imagination.” That’s exactly right! How sweet of you to post that. Thanks!

  6. I am grateful for all the summer memories poems and essays we’ve been able to post this month. One more week of August posts so please send some more writing!
    Suzy’s poem tugs at my heart. It evokes well the times when we wish for the best but suffer the improbability of it. Michael’s stickball game with young buddies is a strong evocation of youthful trust in imagination.

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