
Summer Memory Essays by Sandra Hurtes, Lynne G. Tenbusch and Carol J. Wechsler Blatter — 2 Comments

  1. And thank you for your comments. Writers really do like to hear from their readers. I am hoping for more comments and, of course, more summer writings; soon enough we will be in back to school time. Let’s savor this summer and summer’s past.

  2. These three short essays brought back my own childhood. In Sandra Hurtes’ essay, I felt like I was in the kitchen with her – the permed hair pressing against the scalp was my mother’s. Lynne’s captured snake was the rattler my father and I avoided at Palouse Falls and the one in the backyard that my mother chopped with a hoe when it moved toward my little brother. Carol Wechsler Blatter could have been my cabin mate at summer camp. Thank you to all three authors for bring my childhood back to life! The descriptions were real as were the memories.

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