Writing It Real member Arla Shephard Bull worked back and forth with me on developing an essay that was important to her to write. She had decided to use the third person as a way of distancing herself enough to approach the topic of a painful family trip. Despite a question she had about that … Continue reading →
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Online Personal Essay Writing Workshop + Membership , Development and Line Editing + Membership , Yesim Cimcoz Where Story Begins + Membership , Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor - How Editing Helps You Find Your Way + Membership 11:00AM , Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor - How Editing Helps You Find Your Way + Membership 2:00PM , Poetry Writing Workshop + Membership , In-Class Writing and Responses – Your Writing Will Surprise You! + Membership 2:00PM , In-Class Writing and Responses – Your Writing Will Surprise You! + Membership 11:00 AM , Summer Reading Summer Writing Plus Membership , Write More Healthy Starts Plus Membership , You: Writing in the 2nd Person Online Workshop Plus Membership , Keep Goin' On Your Writing over the Holidays Plus Membership , Writing for Young Readers Plus Membership , Introduction to Scrivener -- Plus Membership , Writing Healthy Starts + Membership , Eight Half-Hour Consults + Membership , Befriending the Giant + Membership , Write! Write! Write! Writing Exercises for Writing Prose from Personal Experience + Membership , Phone Consult: 3750 Words or Six Poems + Membership , The 3 E’s: Epistolary, Ekphrastic and Epideictic + Membership , Four Half-Hour Consults + Membership or New! Using the Flash Series Technique to Write Memoir .
About Arla Shephard Bull
Arla Shephard Bull is a journalist working in the Pacific Northwest. She writes for the Kitsap Sun and Mason County Life. In her spare time she loves to cook, eat, play with her puppy and have food adventures with her husband. She loves to travel and has been to more than a dozen countries.
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